NOTE: Some events listed here are for TRAACA/AACA members only. To go to the AACA National Event Calendar,
Click Here.
AACA Events are highlighted in blue
Check your individual club
calendars for the most up-to-date information.
- 17 - Extended Deadline for Charlotte
Southeastern Spring Nationals!
- 20 - TRAACA Monthly Membership Meeting - (6 PM, Holiday
Inn Convention Center 5655 Greenwich Road, Virginia Beach VA)
- 22 - York High School Annual Car Show - 11 AM -2 PM -
$20 same-day registration.
Click here for more
- 29 - Tour of Brian Capp's Private Collection, Suffolk with
lunch to follow
- 2-5 - Southeast Spring
Nationals/Charlotte Auto Fair - Charlotte Motor Speedway -
Concord, NC
- 12 - TRAACA Cruise-In at Doumar's Drive-In - 4-6 PM (Norfolk)
- 17 - TRAACA Monthly Membership Meeting - (6 PM, Holiday
Inn Convention Center 5655 Greenwich Road, Virginia Beach VA)
- 19 -
Virginia Chevy Lover's
Spring Dust-Off Show - 10 AM (Landstown Commons Shopping Center,
Virginia Beach VA)
- 1-3 - Western Spring Nationals/Grand
Nationals - Tucson AZ
- 15 - TRAACA Monthly Membership Meeting - (6 PM, Holiday
Inn Convention Center 5655 Greenwich Road, Virginia Beach VA)
- 1-7 - Vintage Tour (Pre-1932) -
Southern/Eastern PA - Hosted by the Buzzard's Breath Touring Region
- 7 - TRAACA Cruise to Murfreesboro and tour of Jefcoat Museum
- 14 - TRAACA Cars and Breakfast at Hot Rodders Cafe - 10AM
(1457 Mt. Pleasant Road, Chesapeake)
- 19 - TRAACA Monthly Membership Meeting - (6 PM, Holiday
Inn Convention Center 5655 Greenwich Road, Virginia Beach VA)
- 19-21 - Eastern Spring National -
Beckley WV - Hosted by the Whitewater Region
- 2-5 - Central Spring Nationals -
Auburn IN - Hosted by the Crossroad of America Region
- 17 - TRAACA Monthly Membership Meeting - (6 PM, Holiday
Inn Convention Center 5655 Greenwich Road, Virginia Beach VA)
- 24-26 - Grand Nationals/Zenith Awards
- Dayton OH - Hosted by AACA National
- 12-15 - Eastern Divisional Tour -
Northern ME - Hosted by the Maine Region
- 21 - TRAACA Monthly Membership Meeting - (6 PM, Holiday
Inn Convention Center 5655 Greenwich Road, Virginia Beach VA)
- 7-12 - Revival AAA Glidden Tour
(Pre-1943) - Owensboro KY - Hosted by the VMCCA
- 18 - TRAACA Monthly Membership Meeting - (6 PM, Holiday
Inn Convention Center 5655 Greenwich Road, Virginia Beach VA)
- 7-10 - Eastern Fall Meet/Hershey -
Hershey PA - Hosted by the Hershey Region
- 18-22 - Central Division Tour - San
Antonio to Gonzales TX - Hosted by the Texas DFW Region
- 23-25 - Central Fall Nationals -
Galveston TX - Hosted by the Gulf Coast Region
- 20 - TRAACA Monthly Membership Meeting - (6 PM, Holiday
Inn Convention Center 5655 Greenwich Road, Virginia Beach VA)
- TBD - TRAACA Holiday Party
NOTE - TRAACA Board Meetings are open to all TRAACA members. Meetings are
generally held the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM. Check
the calendar for specific date and location. |