Daily Photo Diary of the 2003 Lincoln Highway Tour
Welcome to this repost of TRAACA's Daily Web coverage of the 2003 Lincoln Highway 75th Anniversary Tour.  If you were a participant, you will find a lot of familiar faces and sites.  If not, then you will get a good idea of the tremendous adventure we undertook and terrific people who went along! 


2013 TRAACA Lincoln Highway Photos - For the most up-to-date and complete information on the 2013 Lincoln Highway Tour, go to the Lincoln Highway Facebook Page at: https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/LincolnHighway/?fref=ts
June 20, 2013 - And They're OFF! 2013 Lincoln Highway Tour Participants from TRAACA - Actually, we always knew they were a little 'off,' but this just makes it official.  Our region has quite a contingent on this year's event.  From left to right are: Jere and Carol Avenson (1954 Packard); Leslie McGinn and Tony Scarpelli (front) (1956 Chrysler); Dick and Holly Chipchak (back) (Modern); Bob Scott (with Sophie); Vicki and John Peters (1959 Cadillac; John and Janet Woolfitt (front, with Bob Woolfitt), Ken Talley (with Sophie) (back), Wes Neal (1966 Mustang), Bill Wilcox (with Sophie) and Bob Woolfitt (1934 Packard).  More details soon!
Day 0 - New York and the Starting Point.  The group getting ready to start off on Friday and the Lincoln Highway Association Kick-Off Dinner.(Photos by Wes Neal)  
Day 1, June 22 - Then and Now (Photos by John Peters and Bob Stein)  - While the oldest member of the 2003 Lincoln Highway Tour (Bernie Queneau) did not look much different at 101, the youngest member, Brian Cassler,  sure changed a lot from 7 to 17!  Well, he got bigger, anyway.  Great kid in either time frame.

Day 4, June 25 (Post by John Peters - photos by John Peters and Wes Neal) – The day began with the need to replace the ignition coil on Bill Wilcox’s 1932 Packard.  Jere Avenson had a spare.  Ken Talley and Bob Woolfitt accomplished the task while several members of the traveling party provided moral support and advice. 

Delayed a bit getting on the road, our first stop was the “World’s Largest Teapot” in Chester, West Virginia, where our cars made up an impromptu car show at the gas station across the street.  On our way to the Newell Bridge across the Ohio River, Wendy and John O’Conner found an original Lincoln Highway post in a front yard.

 Lunch was at the Steel Trolley Diner in Lisbon, Ohio where Deputy Barney Fife (Todd Beckett) pulled John O’Connor over for some traffic offense.  On our way out of Lisbon we found a stretch of original brick Lincoln Highway.

 Perhaps the best stop of the day was at the Spread Eagle Tavern in Hanoverton, Ohio where Bill Wilcox and Dick Chipchak enjoyed a cool one on this very humid day with heavy, at times, thunder storms. 


Day 5, June 26 (Photos by John Peters)


Day 9 - June 30 - Celebration in Kearny Nebraska - 130 antique and modern cars, lined up by age, entered Kearney, Nebraska with a police and motorcycle escort to kick off the two-day Lincoln Highway Centennial Celebration. The cars made up the East and West auto tours which departed New York City June 22 and San Francisco June 23. The parade was a terrific culmination for participants of the two auto tours who were greeted by thousands lining the streets of Kearney.

101 year-old Bernie Queneau and wife Esther, of Pittsburgh, Pa., were grand marshals of the parade in Kearney. Bernie was one of the Boy Scouts who placed Lincoln Highway posts at mile intervals across the country in 1928. They were both on the 2003 Lincoln Highway tour.


Here are a couple pix from the Heinz History Center (museum) in Pittsburgh, taken by another guy on the tour.

Lunch stop at the shoe house, we also had a tour of the house. (From Ken Talley)
Tour day one, time square around 8:00am Sunday. We did not stop as we did on the 2003 tour just a "drive by" - (From Ken Talley)
Nebraska native Bill Wilcox presents Bob Woolfitt with a bit of medicinal weed which grows wild in the state. At Kearney, Nebr. (From Bill Wilcox)